Women and Rock and Roll – Fans and Groupies
Reading: Maura Johnson, “How Not to Write About Female Musicians: A Handy Guide” Village Voice blog, 10 Feburary 2012 (http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/2012/02/sexism_women_in_rock_female_musicians.php)
Mavis Bayton, “Women and the Electric Guitar”
Listening: TBD
- Respond to Camille Paglia on Katy Perry and Taylor Swift [critical writing]
- Living women composers: examples [participation]
- Gender in heavy metal or rap [critical writing]
- How not to write about female musicians: examples [participation]
- Response paper to “Free to Be You and Me” [critical writing]
- Blueswomen: other views [research]
- Blackboard engagement [participation]
- Dressing for success (or failure!) [participation]
- Suffrage song analyses [critical writing]
- Chorus girls [research]