Category Archives: Tasks

Search Hildegard’s writings [research]

The music library and KSL both have translations of Hildegard of Bingen’s writing and lyrics, and some are also available online (but make sure to use a reliable source)–she was very prolific! Find examples from her writings and lyrics that illustrate the Eve/Mary relationship described in Rebecca Garber’s article; alternatively, find lyrics that present another female model that Hildegard wanted her nuns to emulate or learn from.

Post the lyrics in the “Hildegard” thread on Blackboard, and be sure to include a brief description of the lyrics (where you found them/what they are from, and how they are relevant).


Bring examples of women in African drumming to class [participation]

Locate additional audio or video examples of women drummers in African or Afro-Caribbean music (other than those on the listening list) that we can look at as a group. Post these examples in the “Drummers” thread on Blackboard before class so that I can access them. Then, be prepared to say a bit about your example in class.


Cross-cultural perspectives paper [critical writing]

You will learn from today’s reading that in some African and Afro-Carribean cultures, women are restricted from playing certain drums, particularly in religious contexts, and that the drums themselves are thought of as gendered. The packet of readings for today includes four brief excerpts from articles about this topic by ethnomusicologists. Two are writing about their native cultures, and two are not.

Write out brief answers to the following questions, and be prepared to discuss your responses in class:

(1) What methods do these scholars use to investigate the relationship between gender and drumming, and do these methods ever depend on being a cultural insider or outsider?
(2) How does knowing the gender and nationality of each author shape your response to their arguments?


Historiography paper [critical writing]

Write out answers to the following questions, and be prepared to discuss your responses in class:

According to Sherrie Tucker, what is the “dominant swing discourse”? In other words, why are women swing musicians so often left out of jazz history?

What challenges does Tucker face in revising jazz history to include all-girl bands, and what strategies does she plan to use to overcome them?


Wikipedia improvement [research]

Women are currently underrepresented on Wikipedia. Expand or improve a Wikipedia article about a woman who works or has worked in the music industry (as a performer, composer, producer, critic, industry executive, etc.) You could also add a new article. Submit your article or proposed changes to me before you make them on Wikipedia.

Interview/oral history [research]

Interview a woman who works or has worked in the music industry (as a performer, composer, producer, critic, industry executive, etc.) Post your interview as an audio or video file on Blackboard, as a written transcript, or use the #mugn_wm hashtag on Twitter. In some cases, we may be able to set up in-class Skype interviews.