Category Archives: Standing_tasks

These tasks may be completed at any time before the last day of class. (Each can be done only one time, however.)

Blackboard engagement [participation]

Earn one participation credit for regularly starting, reading, and commenting on Blackboard discussion threads.

You should start at least one thread during the semester about a topic related to the class, and also comment meaningfully on your classmates’ posts and assignment responses (in other words: ask a follow-up question, provide additions or constructive feedback, offer some reflections, etc.) at least four times–and more would be good!

Toward the end of the semester, you should send me an e-mail with a list of your posts.

Wikipedia improvement [research]

Women are currently underrepresented on Wikipedia. Expand or improve a Wikipedia article about a woman who works or has worked in the music industry (as a performer, composer, producer, critic, industry executive, etc.) You could also add a new article. Submit your article or proposed changes to me before you make them on Wikipedia.

Interview/oral history [research]

Interview a woman who works or has worked in the music industry (as a performer, composer, producer, critic, industry executive, etc.) Post your interview as an audio or video file on Blackboard, as a written transcript, or use the #mugn_wm hashtag on Twitter. In some cases, we may be able to set up in-class Skype interviews.